Building long-term relationships between best-of-breed Alternative Investment managers and like-minded investors

For clients seeking to raise capital, Middlemark's key role is to identify what makes your offering special and enact a plan that effectively delivers that message to the right investors.
Our edge stems from our ability to approach fundraising from the perspective of a sophisticated investor – we understand markets, strategies and risk management.

Middlemark works with managers who provide a variety of portfolio benefits including outperformance, yield enhancement, non-correlation, downside protection, volatility reduction or risk mitigation. Through our experience both allocating to and raising investment capital for a diverse array of strategies, Middlemark knows how and where to place traditional and niche assets.
Our global investor relationships include institutional investors, family offices, investment platforms, financial advisors and fund-of-funds.

Targeted investor and/or seed introductions

Investment & Operational best practices consult and Due Diligence preparation

Marketing material and newsletter reviews

Message refinement, including demonstration of why your fund is best-of-breed

Strategic marketing plan development to engage the right investors

Client customization and fee structuring advisory

Market and competitive intelligence insights